PRAYER REQUEST(JOHN/MELISSA/FAMILY/FRIENDS) RELATIONSHIP: (As the Holy Spirit leads) Breakthrough, Move God’s hand, close necessary doors, open doors, divine appointments, miracles, deliverance, part red sea, remove barriers, overcome complications, face to face and with LORD, finger of God, Fear of Lord, burning bush, Hall Faith, friend God, eternal, pre-destined/determined, master, unswerving, radical, great, forever, true, special, lavish, extravagant, perfect, true, pure, total, unfailing, amazing, relationship, time plant, heal, build up, gather stones, get, sew, speak, love, peace, laugh, dance, embrace, keep marriage, companionship, friendship, closer than a brother, laying down & risking lives, partnership, parenting, adoption, long-term commitment, spending more time, traveling, moving, health, long life, El Elyon, sabbatical, pass baton, mutual love, gifts, acceptance, design, plan, interests, sharing, conviction, surrender, transformation, testimony, road to Damascus, boldness, investment, faithfulness, Faithful & True, second mile, devotion, inner circle, sacrifice/selflessness, fellowship, contentment, persistency, consistency, maintaining, preserving, same season, listening, connection, communication, compatibility, fidelity, loyalty, honor, integrity, agape, phileo, feelings, intimacy, affection, romantic, courting, passion, find favor, envelop in His arms, His will, Almighty, powerful God remove scales & veil be lifted, Lord stay by side, His light, blood lamb, strike mark, flame burns, fire heaven, living water, fresh wind, inspiration, Holy spirits counsel, anointing, fullness, Holy mighty angels, hedge protection dwell in mind and heart, counsel and the people to direct, Wonderful Counselor, Defender, advocate, resurrection power, bread heaven & life, Jehovah Jireh &Nissi, multiple blessings, provision, double portion, manna, help, giving, clear leading, fleece, hearing, guidance, perfect timing, spiritual electricity, connection, stability, safety, weapons, focus, vision, refreshment, renewal, maturity, prayer covering, obedience(gen-rev), I AM, King Kings, Lord of Lords, humility, wisdom, revelation, insight, discernment, sensitive, strength, endurance, perseverance, courage, righteousness, hope, purity, holiness, sojourners, tenderhearted, heart, mercy, grace, truth, accountability, standing firm, discipline, prudent, diligence, genuine, gratitude, transparency, fruits spirit, abide, like-minded, unity, harmony, togetherness, thoughtfulness, encouragement, restore, rest, stillness (Gen.1-3;5;4:24;9;12-33, Ex., Lev. 6:12;8;25:18-21;26:1-13, Num., deut. 4:30-31;6:17;32:13, Josh. 5:13-15; 7:8;24, Judg. 6:10-40;10:1, 1 Sam. 10:6;18-20, 2 Sam., 1 Kin. 2:28; 11:4;18:4, 2 Kin. 2:22; 20:5, 1 Chr. 16:9-34;2 Chr. 7:11-22;20:12, Neh. 5:8;10; Job 1:10;4:16;5:18, Ps. 6:2; 7:11;8:4;11:7;16:8-10;20-21:2;23-25;28-29:7;30;33-35:18; 37;41-43; 46:10;51:10;56:4;71:19;78;85;87;90-92;97;102:2; 103;107:20; 112:3; 116;118:8; 121;122:2, 123:4;124:4; 125:4;126:4;127;129:2;130-131;139-140;142,145:9, Prov. 1;3:4-8;10;13:20;18:24;25:28;27:10;28:20;31, Eccl. 3-4:7-12, Song, Is. 6; 9:6; 19:12;30:21;40-41;52:12;53:4-5;55,57:18;61, Jer. 17:4;18:7-8;29:11-12;32:7 Ezek. 4; 18:31;34:11-31;36-37, Dan. 3:28;10;Hos 2:20;Joel 2, Amos 5, Jon 5:5, Hab. 3:17-19;Zech., Zeph 3:14-20;Mal. 4:2, Matt 5:6-8;6:16-33;7;9:38;14:31;16-28;22:34-40;23;25:21, Mark 1-20;10:29-30;26:41;35:40,Luke 4:18;6:19;10-11; 14:26-27,33 John, Acts 1:3-8;4:29-30;5:12-17; 9:4-19;12;10;27:35;28:8;38; 13:2-3; 15:9;16:25-26, 23:11;14:9, Rom., 1 Cor. 2:10-16;3;7:3-5;9:24-25;12-15,2 Cor. 4:18;5:14-21;10:5, Eph., Phil. 1-4;13, Col. 1-2:10;4:9-12;16:17,1 Thess., 2 Thess. 1-3, 1Tim. 4:12, 2 Tim. 1:7, Heb., James 1:5-20; 2;4:7-10; 5:7-18, 1 Pet. 2;5, 1,2,3 John, Jude 9, Rev. 1-8:1-5;9:11-16;19-20:3;21-22) through a season of trials, tribulations, storms, injustices
May you be richly blessed! (Ex 33:8-23, Lev 25, Is 9:6, 1 Co 13, Joel 2:25)