God has a perfect plan for every believer. To make His plans work, He has placed in each of us a spiritual gift, meant to be shared with the entire Christian community. Therefore, it is pretty important to understand what your spiritual is and how to share your God-given gifts in your local community.

Spiritual gifts are not be confused with talent. Talent can be worked on and improved. We should be thankful for them as they are also gifts; but they are not the spiritual gifts bestowed upon us to build the Christian community. Some of the most successful athletes, businessmen, and medical professionals have realized spiritual gifts that have nothing to do with their more obvious skills.

What Are Our God-Given Spiritual Gifts?

Paul describes most of the spiritual gifts in his letter to the church in Rome. He wrote, “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.” (Rom 12:6-8)

These are the more common gifts used to grow the church community. Missionaries, evangelists, pastors, preachers, prophets, religious teachers are included in Paul’s list. People who can donate more than expected and those who comfort the unfortunate are also noted.

There are other, rarer spiritual gifts. They include the gifts of speaking in tongues; translating tongues; striking out demons, physical healing and other miracles. Martyrdom and celibacy are also spiritual gifts.

What’s My Gift?

Before you can learn how to share your God-given gifts in your local church community, you have to figure out what your gift is. If you’ve ever prayed or laid your hands on someone right before their miracle cure, you might have a pretty good clue. If you’re already preaching or evangelizing with effect, you already know.

Sometimes, it takes a little more work to discover what God has in mind for you. It’s not always so obvious. Someone who is an excellent school teacher may not be cut out to teach or preach the Bible. The nicest person in your church might not feel the fulfillment of God when she tries to be hospitable or comforting.  

The key is, you have to try something to see if it is your thing. If the Sunday school is looking for a leader; or the pastor is asking for coverage on the pulpit, jump in and try it. It might not feel comfortable to volunteer. In fact, it might be way out of your comfort zone. What is important is how you feel after you do it. If you experience a thrill of fulfillment or grace, then you probably found a spiritual gift.

So…now what?

Once you realize what they are, you need to figure out how to share your God-given gifts in your local church community. Your pastor or leadership council may be able to help. Go to them and explain what you experienced or felt that makes you think you found your calling. Sometimes, they will be extremely helpful and may even say you are the answer to their prayers.

Of course, as with any spiritual question, it is a good idea to go to God. Ask Him, “Now what?” Let Him be your guide, especially if the church does not immediately have a need or can’t understand where to use your gift. Praying and contemplating your gift may lead to a dream or idea of how your gift can be used to bless your community.

For sure, you have a gift. You can be equally certain there is a reason God blessed you with it. Even if the answer is not obvious immediately, don’t give up on it. In the perfect time, you will realize just what you are meant to do. Then, like Paul told Timothy, fan into flame the gift of God. (2 Tim 1:6-7)

Please get in touch now and let’s make these things better together.